You must search our Academy Collections database and submit a list of material you want to view at least 7 days in advance of your appointment date(s). Use the MY SELECTION tool to build your list, then submit as a Research Request. You can submit more than one list if you are searching at different times, just add a note that these are additions. If Special Collections does not receive your list in the timeframe noted above, they reserve the right to reschedule your appointment for a later date. The Research Request form will send a copy to your email as well. Please use these emails to keep track of what you have requested.
You must book your appointment date(s) on the calendar below. There is a one-week buffer period for this calendar, so the first available appointments begin 7 days from the current date.
If you have not completed both steps, your appointment is not complete. You must send a list via Research Request and book on the calendar.
If you need further assistance, please contact